Remember that you’re in business to solve your customers’ problems with a product or service solution that you are certain will satisfy their needs and take care of the pain they are suffering from. The emphasis here is on customer not product/service or your company.

you are in the abyss of oblivion
Creative Commons License photo credit: Mashroor Nitol

Everything you do should be geared toward your prospective customers:

  • You should understand your favorite customer’s demographics, geographics, behavioristics, and psychographics.
  • Your marketing message should be in words the customer uses and should clearly let the customer know that you are taking care of his/her problem.
  • The media that you use to relay the marketing message should be the ones the customer uses, whether it be traditional media like newspapers, TV or radio or new media like your website/blog or social media sites.

Customers are always tuned to their favorite Radio Station WIIFM “What’s In It For Me” and the theme song you should be beaming to them should always be “You,You,You.”

Published On: October 11th, 2010 / Categories: Customer Relationship, Marketing / Tags: , , /

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