Remember that you’re in business to provide your customers with a product or service that they’ll acquire based on its ability to satisfy a need or want they currently have.  The emphasis here is on customers, not product/service or your business.

Everything you do should be geared toward your prospective customers:

  • Your website should be geared towards the prospective visitors and their needs not what you want it to look and feel like.
  • Your e-mails should relate to the needs of the people you are targeting not what you want to say about your product or business.
  • Your letters and flyers should follow the same principles as your email

Customers are always tuned to their favorite Radio Station WIIFM “What’s In It For Me” and the theme song of your radio program should always be “You, You, You.”

Published On: January 17th, 2007 / Categories: Marketing /

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