Stephanie St. James, an entertainer turned acting coach who helps aspiring actors and singers to achieve their lifetime goals faster and smarter just published this post in her blog under the heading “The Kardashians, All the Housewives from Atlanta to Jersey = TALENT?” Among several points Ms. St. James makes. is that people today are driven to succeed because of fame and money and not because of passion.
As I read this post, I couldn’t help translating it to entrepreneurs who are driven to start up businesses because they see it as a way of making lots of money and becoming the next Bill Gates or Steve Jobs and not because this is what has fueled their innermost beings for the past several years, the gut pain in their bellies, their passion.
Like Ms. St. James says, “The whole point of this particular article is for one simple reason. For YOU to just sit down and really consider why you want to be IN this business in the first place… THINK ABOUT IT. Whatever YOU come up with is what’s right for YOU in this moment in your life. And how ever you choose to follow your path to what you desire is going to give you the Lessons that You Need in your life… because well, the Universe always provides you exactly what You NEED but not always exactly what you WANT. No one is challenging your desires and your goals… I’m just challenging you to be CLEAR about what they are and WHY. Set goals, visualize them and they will manifest… and remember “YOU WANT FAME… WELL FAME COSTS… AND RIGHT HERE IS WHERE YOU START PAYING”… Nothing in life is FREE even REALITY costs you. BE CLEAR.”