People never plan to fail, they fail to plan. You and your team need to develop a business plan starting with a mission statement, product definition, a marketing strategy and financial projections. You need to design and write a forceful investor summary to make your plan more attractive when you need to raise capital to finance your business venture or expansion.

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Your completed business plan should identify the expectations you have for your new or existing business and should tell “the tale” of your business to a potential lender. The plan is a stand-alone document because, when completed, all business issues should be addressed without requiring additional explanation. The plan is a living document and should be reviewed and changed as regularly as your plans and strategies change. For a list of the 10 elements that you build your plan around, read: 10 ESSENTIAL ELEMENTS OF A SMALL BUSINESS PLAN

Published On: May 20th, 2011 / Categories: Uncategorized / Tags: , /

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