There are several key tactics that kept Osama Bin Laden around for so long while being pursued by the biggest opponents in the world. Small businesses can learn several very important lessons about surviving in a world filled with very big competitors. Here are seven key tips in Bin Laden’s strategy that the small business community can learn from.
photo credit: tharealMrGreen
1. Get lots of start up capital and use it to arm your team with good tools and equipment.
2. Get out in the field with your people and be an example to them at getting the job done.
3. Have many tactics in multiple places to keep the big competitors busy.
4. Be nimble. Don’t stay in one place. Keep moving. Hit and run. Confuse the competition.
5. Don’t be a wuss. Make the big guys want to come after you. Get them to invest lots of time and money.
6. When they do come after you, don’t be afraid of them. Set up shop right under their noses.
7. Have a fast and final exit strategy. Don’t let them drag you through the courts. Get put to sleep immediately.