There is no doubt that you need a major credit card if you place a lot of orders online or by phone or you need to make reservations for hotels, motels, car rentals and airline flights when you travel. If you have over extended your credit limit or have run into a poor credit situation, there may be an answer for you – the Prepaid Credit Card.

You can open a prepaid credit card account by depositing money into that account. You are then issued a prepaid credit card that can be used anywhere you would use a regular credit card.

There are no interest charges and no bills to pay. You do have to pay a fee to set up your account typically about US$5 to $10 to open a prepaid credit card account. In addition, you’ll have to pay additional fees every time you deposit more cash into your prepaid credit card account.

If your credit is poor, the benefits of a prepaid credit card far outweigh the risks. You’ll have most of the advantages of a credit card, and you won’t have to worry about interest charges. The prepaid credit card might be a pretty good deal for a small business.

If you are doing business in Europe, you can find out what prepaid credit card to get at this site.

Published On: December 23rd, 2008 / Categories: Financial /

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