A 30 – 45 second video can tell a lot about your product or service in a very attractive and concise package. The St. James Acting Studio illustrates this with their latest video announcing their summer 2011 programs.

This small business created their own channel on YouTube to provide information related to their products and services. They constantly upload new student videos to their YouTube channel so potential clients can readily see the progress students make and can evaluate the work they do.

You can engage your target market by showing, on video, how your product solves their problem and takes away their pain. You can illustrate your product in a real environment to help your clients experience the benefits without seeing it in person. You can show real customers using your product or service.

With the inexpensive video cameras available today, it is within your small business budget to add video to your marketing tool kit.

Published On: May 12th, 2011 / Categories: Uncategorized / Tags: , , , /

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