Understanding your limitations or what you are not proficient at, lets you focus on those things that you’re good at and by so doing helps you channel your energy to get the best results.

Looking ahead as opposed to always being absorbed with the past lets you chart new courses in life. If the great explorers had been satisfied with reliving their history we would not have discovered the new world. History is good for giving us a frame of reference for our future exploits. The past is simply a milestone against which future progress is to be measured.

Understanding what needs to be done is only part of the game and does not guarantee success. The real secret to winning lies in knowing what not to do. This helps us maintain a steady course towards our ultimate goal and keeps us from straying off course and constantly wasting time on unprofitable ventures.

Charting the correct course is only the first step. Once we set out, staying on course is the critical part of the journey that gets us to where we need to go.

Published On: April 1st, 2009 / Categories: Leadership /

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