1. The Art of Making Money
You’re in business to make money. Your job is to deliver value to the customer so that you can create wealth for the business – you, the other owners and your employees.

2. Setting Goals
Understand your goals and how to set them. Don’ just reword the old goals. Take a careful look at the environment and find out where you’re at, where you want to be and then put a plan in place to get from here to there.

3. Taking the First Steps.
Setting priorities comes immediately after understanding and setting proper goals. The first step may be a small one to give you a sense of accomplishment. Engage and have a daily focus on the major steps that will make your business move forward.

If you’re interested in the complete article go to www.ychange.com and follow the links.


Published On: February 4th, 2007 / Categories: Leadership / Tags: , , /

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