Marla Tabaka, a life and business coach who helps entrepreneurs in achieving their business and life goals faster and smarter, just published an article on the 10 Marketing Musts in the Monday January 10th issue of Inc.
photo credit: Swami Stream
She lists these as:
Create a plan
Face-to-face networking
Cold Calling
Social Media
Guest blogging and inviting guest bloggers
Follow up with your list and past clients
Ask for referrals
Be consistent in your message.
She also points out that small business owners and solo-practitioners are notorious for ignoring marketing efforts. Her solution to this is an investment of 10 – 20% of the entrepreneurs time in marketing. Understanding the concern about losing revenue if this is done, but noting that revenues will increase as more time and resources are invested into the plan.
I totally agree with her conclusions if we make one fundamental assumption: The Topmost Marketing Must is to Know Your Target Market. Once you know who you are going after and fully understand and appreciate their wants and needs, the rest makes total sense.
For the entire 10 Marketing Musts please click here.