Last night the two gorgeous owners of the Sapphire Hotel celebrated their 5th anniversary. They shut the place down at 10:00PM and held a hosted party for their customers, and what a party it was.








The band played, the booze flowed and the food was awesome. A mixture of 3 different kinds of pita pizzas: Roasted Garlic, Bleu Cheese & Green Onion; Margherita (Basil & Mozzerella); and Roasted Red Pepper, Kalamata Olives, Peppercinis & Cheddar Cheese, together with Mini Salmon Corn Cakes, Burger Sliders and Artichoke & Arugula Dip all on the house.

The owners kept circulating among the customers thanking them individually for their support.

Think I’ll ever stop going back! Think again. And its not because of the two beautiful owners. It is because they think about their customers. They make them feel as if they belong. They treat their staff like family and you can feel the team spirit when you are in the place, which is always packed.

Keep it up ladies.

Published On: June 20th, 2011 / Categories: Uncategorized / Tags: , /

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