Here are the nine things you never do when considering going into business for yourself.
1. Never settle on a business opportunity too quickly. There is no penalty box for missing this one.
2. Never choose a business area you will not enjoy even if the money appears good.
3. Never leave a paying job before you know that this business will be a profitable one.
4. Never invest all of the family jewels in a business. Always leave some for a rainy day.
5. Never select a business where the stakes are too high. Try betting at a table with lower stakes.
6. Never open a business where you have to be the cheapest one on the block.
7. Never concentrate only on the positives in a business. Always look at both sides of the equation.
8. Never fly by the seat of your pants. Always weigh each decision carefully
9. Never forget to test the waters first no matter how great they appear.

Published On: March 20th, 2008 / Categories: Management /

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