In tough times it is necessary to really manage the everyday operations of a business. Here are some basic tips to help you be a good manager and be on top of your business in this stagnant economy.

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Creative Commons License photo credit: gareth1953

1. Think Inside the Box – “Their Box not Yours”
If the situation concerns a customer, think like the customer to get a handle on how he/she feels or what he/she needs. Similarly, if it has to do with an employee or a vendor, think like that person. You always get relevant ideas when you try to think inside their box.

2. Learn Something New Everyday
A good manager needs to have a handle on all facets of the business. Always keep
learning especially about those thinks you’re not proficient at. You don’t have to know how to do them but you do need to understand if they are being done correctly.

3. Learn to Delegate
You can’t do it all. Delegate responsibility to others and provide them with the
tools they need to be successful. Look over their shoulder and be ready to give help when and where needed.

4. Learn to Fly at 30,000 feet
You need not only to understand the details of the job but also to be able to fly high enough to see the forest from the trees. You need to operate at ground level where the reality exisats but every now and then, you need the ability to soar to heights to keeo the big picture in perspective.

5. Listen Well and Hear
Some of us try to listen but do not communicate. There is a knack to listening well and getting the essence of the story. Only then can you appreciate the pain points and do something to bring relief to them.

6. Spin a Wide Web
Your network or web is your lifeline and should have links in all of the important
areas of your business: finance, legal, insurance, vendor relations, business operations.
human relations. maufacturing, sales, marketing communications to name a few. Populate this network with strong people who can offer you wise advice and counsel.

7. Think Solution not Problem
Always see the opportunity for a solution and not the negatives of the problem.
Listen well, and then think in their box. When you approach the daily issues this way, both customers and employees want to cooperate and help you resolve the issue.

8. Set Big Goals
If your goals are too small, they can be easily attained by your competition and in no time you will be overtaken. Always reach for the stars understanding that you are standing on the ground.

9. Be Humble
Both customers and employees relate well to humility. Arrogance tends to get in the way of simple communication. Also understand that you can’t do it all and be ready to ask for help when needed.

10. Have Fun
It is a business but nothing says that you can’t have fun running it. This helps to
set good employee morale and definitely helps with customer relations.

The economy may be spiralling downward but paying attention to these ten basic pointers can go a long way to keeping your business running well.

Published On: September 3rd, 2009 / Categories: Management /

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