Small businesses can learn a lot from Allen Adamson, managing director of the New York office of Landor Associates, who in his article in Forbes, today, points out that strong brands are clear about what they represent. Strong brands are strong because people know what they stand for and how they fit into their lives. If you haven’t got a clue what a brand does, or what it can do for you, no amount of sales pitching will help. What will help, as companies like Cisco, BASF and Aflac now know, is not touting routers or polymers, or even quackers, but giving consumers a clear connection between promise and purpose. And, no, while brand builders can’t control Mother Nature, they can control what people think about their brands.

For the complete article please see CMOs: Make A Connection Between Brand Promise And Purpose

Published On: April 30th, 2010 / Categories: Marketing / Tags: , , /

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