Startup Business – Marketing and Consulting
To be a successful entrepreneur, you need to start with a good business idea and be able to evolve it into a profitable startup. At Ychange, we help you through the essential startup cycle without the pain of trial and error.
We provide startup consulting in the following areas:
* Business name and web site domain registration
* Business licenses. copyrights and trademarks
* Choosing the right business legal structure
* Writing a thorough and well thought-out business plan
* Developing a company image
* Finding and leasing the most suitable location
* Projecting startup costs and performing financial analyses
* Preparing to go for capital investments and loans
* Projecting personnel needs and setting up operations
* Developing a support network
* Improving leadership and management skills
* Setting up a comprehensive marketing plan and executing it
You can find more information on some of these topics in the YCHANGE business articles, that you can download here. You can also find some very useful resources to help you plan your startup.
Stay up to date with news and current issues impacting small business marketing and social media marketing strategies by following us on Jumpstart Your Business.