Having cash flow problems? Here are some tips to help your business stay afloat in this tough economy.

Ask for a Rent Reduction
You can’t afford to be bashful, so ask your landlord for a temporary rent reduction until the economy improves. The alternative is your going out of business and them having no tenant.

Better Vendor Terms – Accounts Payable
Your vendors also can’t afford to lose you as a customer. Press them for better terms and spread out the payments to them over a longer period. Money that you don’t have to pay them can be reinvested in your business.

Reduce Inventory
These days, it is much easier and quicker to replenish inventory. Keep the minimum quantity you need unless you can justify carrying more.

Collect Your Accounts Receivable
People owe you money and that is causing you to have to borrow to make your payments. Put the pressure on them to pay you as quickly as possible.

Use Credit Cards Wisely
If you have to charge business expenses on your credit cards, then do so at the beginning of the payment cycle. This gives you anywhere between 45 and 60 days to repay the debt.

Buy Used Furniture and Equipment
These days with all of the businesses that are collapsing, there are lots of really good deals on equipment and furniture out there. You can get really good bargains for pennies on the dollar.

Offer Your Top Employees An Equity Stake
If you are having problems making payroll, consider offering your top employees an equity stake in the company. Work is hard to come by and they need you as much as you need them. They may agree to taking less salary and a stake in the company just so they can retain their jobs.

Published On: March 16th, 2009 / Categories: Management / Tags: , , , , /

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