Wikipedia defines Social sustainability as one aspect of sustainable development. Social sustainability encompasses human rights, labor rights, and corporate governance. …

An alternate definition on the web is: Practices to ensure that the cohesion of society and its ability to work towards common goals are maintained. Individual needs such as those for health and well-being, nutrition, shelter, education and cultural expression should be met.

Valuequence = true value(s) of actions vs consequence!
Creative Commons License photo credit: fellowcreative

In terms of today’s business ecosystem, Social Sustainability is that set of values that relate to concurrently tending to and respecting the people and the social networks they are a part of. One of the primary goals of social sustainability therefore, is to achieve human and social network well-being together.

Why pay attention to social sustainability?

Over the past several years, our business culture, our business consciousness and our conscience have all changed dramatically. More of us are beginning to realize that the social-environment in which we and our businesses reside is a finite one and anything that we do to impact it will have consequence on all its members.

Anything that negatively impacts the business environment essentially negatively impacts all of the members of the business environment. In areas where small businesses represent a large proportion of the economy, it is fair to conclude that small businesses carry a large proportion of the responsibility for looking out for the business environment. Consequently, on all levels, the finger points at us as small businesses to do our part.

To conduct our business on a day-to-day basis without providing for social sustainability is a crime and should be punishable by banishment to the Middle East. There we will get first hand experience of the need for social sustainability at a regional and country level.

Published On: February 22nd, 2011 / Categories: Social Media / Tags: , , /

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