Mr. Gene Sperling
Head Of the National Economic Council
The White House

Dear Sir:

Congratulations on your new appointment as head of the prestigious National Economic Council. Clearly you come to the job with extensive experience in all facets of the economy but more so with a deep understanding of the needs of the small business community. You did a masterful job of piloting a small business jobs bill through congress last year in spite of the opposition from those who said no to everything. You really do appreciate the contribution of the small business sector to the economic recovery.

Please do not let this congress undo the great work you have done up till now. It is crucial that the small business jobs bill be there to facilitate the growth of the small business community and their access to capital as they start to rebound in this turning economy. You, of all people on the White House staff, are most aware that small businesses need loans from all facets of the financial community and also from state and local government entities. That is why you ensured that there were pools of funds in the bill to take care of that need.

We in the small business community have faith in you sir. Do not let this new congress derail your efforts.

Jim Smith
Ychange International

Published On: January 9th, 2011 / Categories: Financial, Management / Tags: , , , /

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