Your small business is an exact reflection of you. For your small business to be comfortable in its skin means that you need to be comfortable in yours. Knowing yourself is not enough however. You need to fully understand who your favorite customer is and understand your strengths and weaknesses as they relate to that customer.

“Making your small business comfortable in its skin, starts and ends with the customer” – Click to tweet

Who is your favorite customer?

The answer is simple: the one who does the most business with you with the minimum effort on your part, As you grow your business, you want to replicate this customer and not the others who expend most of your time and effort and in the end buy the minimum.

What value do you bring to that favorite customer?

Are you satisfying the customer need as well as you can. If that customer keeps coming back for more and if he/she sends you referrals, you are most likely fulfilling the need.

Is that customer satisfied with every transaction?

Customer service is not a sometime thing – it is the only thing, You don’t want to go into your favorite watering hole only to leave feeling depressed because of the poor service you received. There is no excuse for that and no excuse foir your customer to feel this way no matter the transaction. Keep em happy and they’ll remember the path to your door.

Love thy customer and stay in touch.

Keep the customer involved. Ask for advice and counsel on new products and marketing efforts. Place the customer on your advisory board. Make the/ customer feel wanted and appreciated.

If you successfully complete the above, you can step back knowing that your small business is comfortable in its skin and watch it grow with minimum stretch marks

Published On: July 16th, 2012 / Categories: Uncategorized / Tags: , /

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