Ever realized that even though you know where ‘there’ is, you can’t even try to get there unless you know where ‘here’ is. That is not as deep a statement as you might think.

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Simply put, you can’t plan your 2011 journey unless you know your starting point. When you get lost, even though you have the best map, you won’t be able to get unlost until you figure out where you are!!! Even with the best GPS device, the satellite has to figure out your current coordinates and where you want to go in order to plot your journey.

In planning for your small business in 2011, you need to understand what the current circumstances are, and what your current environment is. You need to have a handle on what you have and what you’re worth before you can try to figure out how much you’ll need in order to finance your venture. You need to understand your capabilities as well as your limitations (strengths and weaknesses) before you can start putting together a team to help you build your 2011 dream venture.

If you don’t know where you are, don’t even try to get to there!

Published On: December 13th, 2010 / Categories: Leadership / Tags: /

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