My friend P. Griffith Lindell way back in 2007 left this comment to one of my posts:
Leaders learn that it is easy to “think like a loser” when leaders get all caught-up in themselves.
Why we do what we do says more about our character than what we do. Our motivations are often hidden, sometimes even from us.
Leadership that is self-centered is limiting. In Success Built to Last, the authors suggest that leadership that succeeds over time is attributable to the strength of the cause they pursue: “Enduringly successful people serve the cause–and they are lifted up by its power.”
John Kotter observed in his article What Leaders Really Do, “Well-led businesses tend to recognize and reward people who successfully develop leaders.”
Now there’s a cause. Find and control the motivations that are just about you. Feed and nurture the motivations that are about developing your team.
Leading is about others.
My thanks to Karen L Fink for forwarding this video clip to me. It does say it all!