Google+, is one of the latest members to add to your arsenal of social media? There are multiple ways that you can use Google+ to grow your small business, but only if it’s a right fit. Here are a few good reasons why you should consider using or not using Google+.

1. Google+ is still growing
It’s still growing, so you can implement it during the early stages. There are over 170 million registered users on Google+ and that number grows every day. In this digital age, it’s important to get in during this Growth Stage. Google has put a lot of work into Google+ and won’t stop anytime soon. It’s a social network that will improve with time and growth.

2. Google+ offers various searches
Google+ just recently launched Google+ Local Pages and Google Search Plus Your World. If you have a brick and mortar business, then you will want to take advantage of the Google+ Local Pages. It allows individuals to find business in their local area. Google owns the market share for search engines, so you need to be listed in the Google+ Local Pages to increase your chances of being found..
Google’s Search Plus Your World provides a mix of personalized results and regular search results. The personalized results are based on a user’s friends, Google+ sharing and +1 results. Therefore, if users are +1 and sharing your small business on Google+, it will start showing up in Google’s Search Plus Your World, if the user has it turned on. This is a great way to reach new people that might not have found your business otherwise.

3. Google + allows segmentation
Google+ allows segmentation, through the Google+ Circles. This segmentation allows your small business to target messages based on these different Circles. It’s easy to drop individuals into Google+ Circles and then provide focused messages to these Circles. For example, you’d want to provide a different message to women living in the United States than men living in Asia. Segmentation allows you to target messages and provide the right one based on the individuals in the different Circles.

Now that we know why Google+ is good for business, let’s look at a few reasons why you might consider passing on it for now.

1. Different target audience
Studies show that single men, who are developers, engineers, etc are the ones on Google+. If this is not your target audience, then you should consider waiting until your target audience is on Google+. As a small business, your marketing budget is small and your time is limited. Therefore, it’s important to spend it on social networks that are worth your time and money.

2. Engagement
Engagement is harder on Google+, than it is on Facebook. Google+ allows segmentation, which is something that Facebook doesn’t, but Facebook allows users to “like” or comment on posts. It’s also easier to share links on Facebook. Google+ allows users to hit the +1 or comment but that’s not enough to engage with the user. Facebook allows various ways for a small business to engage with their fan base through polls, apps, games, notes and even have better landing pages.

When thinking about adding Google+ to your arsenal of social media, stop first and consider whether it’s worth it to your small business at this time. If it is, that’s great and then you proceed with marketing. But if it’s not, that’s fine. Time and money are important to small businesses and you need to spend both of them wisely.

Published On: June 11th, 2012 / Categories: Social Media / Tags: , , /

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