Many make the mistake of believing that once they build a web site, people will flock to it in droves. Well here is the reality: the web site that you just built is like a billboard in the dark along a heavily trafficked highway. There are millions passing by but no-one knows its there except you.

What you need is to get your billboard into the center of the action, in a place where it can be seen by everyone. They also need to like what they see. Here is a good example:

Here are some ways you can promote your site:

1. Create great content – everything starts with great content.

2. Link to other sites that are relevant.

3. Get other sites to link to you. The more popular they are the better.

3. Submit your site to relevant directories.

4. Get the search engines to index you.

5. Write a blog and blog often and link to your site. Network with other bloggers, comment on their blogs, read and link to other blogs and request that they link back to you.

Published On: December 10th, 2007 / Categories: Internet /

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