Have a clear message

Make it easy for your clients to understand what you are selling and why it benefits them. Sooner or later they’ll figure it out so help them get there fast. This way, if there is no benefit to them, they’ll be on their merry way to something else and will not hold a grudge against you for wasting their time.

Go and find the client

Don’t sit around waiting for your clients to find you, you need to go and find them and show them that what you are selling can fulfill their current needs.

Communicate your message

The internet has taken away the power from the information gatekeepers like newspapers, TV and radio. Almost everyone has a voice and only if you foster the conversation will you be successful. You need to communicate to your audience so that they don’t go somewhere else.

Get your client talking about you

With the advent of Facebook and Twitter, everyone is more popular than they were just a couple of decades ago. Everyone is blogging and if you get your client talking about you, word of mouth will spread your story.

Even the smallest client is important

Don’t forget your smaller clients. They were the ones who most likely helped you get started and helped build your business. They can still spread the word about you.

Published On: March 9th, 2009 / Categories: Selling / Tags: , , /

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