When Dr. Donn Lobdell, head of R&D for COBE Labs, a high-tech medical device manufacturing company, was asked by the Denver Business Journal, “What’s the most important part of your job?” he replied, “Hiring is the most important part of my job, because when you’re hiring, you’re creating the future of your company.”

Good questions to get the interviewee talking are vital. Seemingly innocent questions work wonders. Questions like: “Tell me about where you grew up?” or “Describe the work environment or culture and its management style in which you have experienced the most success.” or “What are the three most important values you demonstrate as a leader/manager/team member? Tell me a story that demonstrates how you made those values real within your workplace.”

The answers reveal character qualities and patterns of thinking that give you a glimpse at the heart – skilled “hands” and great hearts build successful organizations.

Proverbs 12:13 (NLT) The wicked are trapped by their own words, but the godly escape such trouble.