Your business needs both a vision statement as well as a mission statement.
One looks at the future and the other focuses on the present. Here is the difference:
Think of the vision as the answer to the question “Where do we want to be?” or “Where do we want to go?” It represents a clear picture of the future of the business as we imagine it and is totally focused on the internal organization and not on the outside and looks ahead.
Here are some typical vision phrases: Maximizing ROI to shareholder, Attention to corporate responsibilities. Great place to work, Inspiring our people to excellence, Portfolio of products that anticipate and satisfy people’s desires and needs. Fostering partner loyalty, Environmental responsibility.
Our mission is the answer to the question “What is our reason for being here” (Raison d’etre) or “Why do we exist?” and has a present focus and is for both the organization and the outside world. It represent the current assignment that the business is undertaking. The mission should focus on the customer, the business’s current capabilities, its present structure and current activities.