Here is a questionnaire designed to help clients assess their readiness to start their own business. The scoring system is as follows:

  • “Strongly agree or all of the time” answer score 5.
  • “Agree or most of the time” answer score 4
  • “Can’t decide or sometimes” score 3
  • “Disagree or almost never” answer score 2
  • “Strongly disagree or never” answer score 1

Here are the questions:

Score each question and then tally the score.  If your score is higher than 100 you should be a strong performer.  75 – 100 says your chances of success are pretty good, all things being equal.  Less than 75 and you should spend time doing some personal development.

Nevertheless, there is also the “luck” and “being in the right place at the right time” factor.  And therefore a lower score is not a definite indicator of failure just as a high score is not a definite indicator of success.

Published On: July 15th, 2024 / Categories: Customer Relationship /

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