A Woodburn, Oregon, based small business consultant, Griff Lindell wrote the following piece on whether government programs for small business are the problem or the solution? The author contends that government has a role that is best filled by experienced entrepreneurs who have “been there and done that.” The piece ran on Friday, March 4th in Biznik.

According to the author, much has been written and spoken about the need to help small businesses survive and thrive in our current economy. Governmental officials at all levels proclaim that the lifeblood of America flows through micro and small business veins. But it’s going to take more than political pronouncements, however, to produce the kind of revenue and profits that will change the health of the current economic system.

For the complete piece please go to Do Government and Small Business Mix?

Published On: March 5th, 2011 / Categories: Uncategorized / Tags: , , /

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