As a small business owner, you owe it to the business to decide whether your lender is right for your business or not. Banks and lending institutions use five factors to grant credit to you or your business and these are:

Your ability to repay the loan. They look at your cash flow and your expected business performance over time to see whether you have the ability now and in the future to be able to keep up with the loan payments.

Simply speaking, this has to do with your credit history and your personal history. The basic question they ask themselves is: “Are you the kind of person they want to do business with?”

When all else fails, and you can no longer make the payments, what can they take from you to offset the money still owing them

Simply what is your net worth and the more it is, the more they will consider that you can borrow.

The current economic environment, the state of your small business and your personal status and how that will together impact your ability to repay the loan.

Now lets turn that around and use the same factors to find out whether that lender is right for you.

Is the loan the right size and will it be enough for what you need to get done at the moment.

Do the terms match your business needs at the moment. Are the fees and payment schedule right for you, now and in the future?

Are there any side benefits that accompany the loan. Are there any credit card processing facilities or other capabilities that can be made accessible to your small business?

Is the lender able to support your financing needs if you grow and expand very quickly?

Is this lender able to support your business sector and size regardless of the change in market conditions?

Published On: September 30th, 2009 / Categories: Financial /

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