Got your attention didn’t we?

Now, you could write a book on going rogue and rake in the money like Ms. Palin does but first you have to run for VPOTUS and we know that is not in the cards. So, if you are like the rest of us mortals, here are twenty questions to ask yourself to see whether you have what it takes to go rogue as an entrepreneur:

1. Are you a self starter?
2. Do you like being your own boss?
3. Do you care about making money?
4. Are you willing to work 60 to 80 hour weeks?
5. Are you a good leader?
6. Do you recognize good ideas and move on them quickly?
7. Do you have confidence in yourself?
8. Is a good standard of living important to you?
9. Do you deal well with change?
10. Are you well organized?
11. Do you like to plan?
12. Do you make decisions quickly and then carry them out?
13. Do you have a lot of will power?
14. Do you enjoy competing?
15. Do you have experience in the area you’re going into?
16. Do you stay current with your marketplace?
17. Do you like setting goals?
18. Is taking the first step easy for you?
19. Do you like to surround yourself with good people?
20. Are you flexible?

To see how to score this test, check out this link. If you scored well, you might make it even if you don’t go rogue.

Published On: February 26th, 2010 / Categories: Uncategorized / Tags: , /

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