Here is our list of useful links for January 21st, 2009:
- Success and failure are the hero and sidekick – It speaks for itself.
- You Don't Need an SEO Expert! – Because all of the money spent on search engine optimization by small to mid-size businesses is unnecessary and it’s a racket.
- Click here to find out more! Next Post Previous Post Trends for Rural Small Businesses in 2009 – Being in business in a small town or a rural area is different from being in a metropolitan area. Your local economy is certainly different from the national big picture. That’s why rural small business needs its own list of trends for 2009.
- 5 Recession Business Mistakes You Don’t Want to Make – Cost cutting is a natural response to uncertain economic times, and done properly, it can certainly help your small business stay profitable. But some of the things you're thinking of jettisoning are too valuable to lose.
- Jim G, Mr. Detroit, and a Saloon Fight: What Makes You a Fiercely Loyal Customer? – My dad cared about the people who were his customers and so they cared about him. He looked out for them and they looked out for him. Investment made investment returned. It’s the ROI of relationships — in spades.