1.    Know Your Favorite Customer
By definition, your favorite customer is the one who brings in the most revenue with the least hassle.  When you think of growing/protecting your customer base, this must be the prospective/current customer you think of first.  Understand what they like/don’t like and see where they congregate to look for products/services like yours.  Understand the kind of promotion they respond to.

small business

2    Think Inside their Box
They are exposed to some 2000 advertising messages every day.   It is not a simple task to make your message the one they remember but this is the challenge you face.
3.    Remember there is Pie in Promotionn
4.   What is Your Competition Up To
If they are doing something that is succeeding, then perhaps you ought to try it.
5.    Always spell out the Benefits
Whatever the attributes of your product or service, make sure you emphasize the benefits to the customer.  Why is it something that enriches their life.
6.    Have a Promotion Plan Complete with Budget
What and when are you going to take action.  What results you expect.  How much you are willing to spend.
7.    Give Yourself Adequate Time
Customers do not take notice immediately.  You need to remember that it takes multiple impressions before they pat attention.
8.    Measure the Effectiveness
What results are you getting and how is this affecting your sales.  There should be direct correlation between your marketiung efforts and your sales results.

Published On: July 16th, 2013 / Categories: Marketing / Tags: , , , /

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