As we head into the 4th quarter keep paying attention to marketing and PR which is always very important to your survival. When it comes to promoting your products and services, you need a plan of attack from the marketing and public relations angle. Here are 6 basic tips to keep business coming through the door in these slow times:

1.   Budget for marketing
In your business plan, make sure that you have a line item that is dedicated to marketing. This should cover not only brochures and flyers but also Press Releases, website upkeep, Public Relations, the analysis of your competitors and social media marketing.

2.   Understand your competition
You need to know your competitors intimately.  What are they doing from the promotion perspective and what is the impact on your business. Compare your products and services to theirs to see what you need to do to combat deficiencies or to take advantage of strengths.  Also participate in any events where you can keep tabs on your competition.

3.   Social Media Marketing
You need a social media plan.  If you haven;t started using Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest and if you do not have a plan for using video and having a Youtube channel, then you are seriously missing the boat,  Your customers are using these sites and at a minimum. ypu can start by finding out what your customers are interested in.

4.   News Releases
Keep sending out news releases especially to let prospects and current customers know of new products or services.  Highlight your successful customers and try to get as much free press coverage as possible.

5.   Customer success stories
Write these up and place on your website or include in your company literature.  Emphasize how your customers have benefited from your products and services. This highlights the features and functions of your products but also gives your customers a chance to support you.

6.   Plan your promotions in advance
Design your marketing plan with a promotions section. Have a marketing calendar with a schedule of news releases on promotions and other events that highlight your products/services or your customers well in advanc

Keeping a focus on these marketing steps will ensure that you have a  marketing plan and that it remains relevant to your business.



Published On: August 13th, 2012 / Categories: Uncategorized /

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