A solid linking strategy is very critical to boosting your blog ranking. I got this idea from Michelle McPhearson who not only sent me the original suggestion but also sent me a reminder, thanks Michelle. This strategy is totally in tune with the idea of linking together as in ‘communities’ and that’s what Web 2.0 is all about.
— copy and paste the Reciprocal Review Carousel and instructions below this line —
Reciprocal Review Carousel idea is based on few simple and yet effective link-building and bloggin techniques I have learned:
* Build value of the blog by creating a link from within content.
* Provide a value to community by doing a review on blog you personally like.
* Link to YOUR blog has exact anchor text you want and helps you boost Google Rankings.
* No more then 30 outbound links from any page to prevent penalties for link farming.
* Viral effect of the link – as more bloggers participate, link to your blog with YOUR anchor text, coming from quality content post will spread.
Here is How to participate:
* Copy the entire text between the specified lines.
* Create a post on your site and put at least one paragraph explaining how you joined the Reciprocal Review Carousel.
* Paste the text you copied into your post.
* Remove the Bottom Review and At the Top add your own review with a link to a site reviewed, at least 2 sentences about the site and a note – Reviewed by: Your Anchor Text. Link your anchor text to your site. Here is an example:
WordPress Web 2.0 Guide is a blog providing very useful information on building your very own Web 2.0 portal based on WordPress. Detailed instructions and how to guides make it possible for anyone to create a sparkling and engaging blog and join the community of like-minded individuals. Reviewed by: WordPress 2.0 Guide
Sites Reviewed:
Nick Smith has The Food Magnetism Blog, a blog devoted to losing weight and eating and exercising right. His information is in an easy to read format and his e-book the ‘Magnetic Diet’ is a good buy. Reviewed by: Jumpstart Your Business
Web 2.0 How-To Spoter blogs about turning your WordPress blog into a true web 2.0 portal using multitude of available plugins to add extra functionality. Proper way to bring traffic using social networks and monetize your visitors by offering valuable reviews. Reviewed by: Richard Wing – Best Damn Blog
Andy-Coates.com is an original creator of Viralink concept and a blog publishing information on Magic, Personal development and blog development. I have found a wealth of information on getting your blog noticed and generating the traffic for free. Reviewed by: WordPress Web 2.0 Guide
FitForFreedom is well-established blog where you can find multitude of information on achieving financial freedom. Blog is run by Marco Righter and his writing style greatly adds to the value of information he provides. Reviewed by: Alex
Secure Your PC For Internet blog run by Colin and provides essential information everyone accessing internet should know. Identity theft is becoming more and more of an issue and by visiting his blog you can minimize the risk of being compromised. Reviewed by: Alex
VI-SU blog is all about WordPress, AdSense, SEO and Internet Marketing. Although mostly written in German I have found that using Google translate is worth the effort for his posts. Reviewed by: Alex
Home With Heather is a great informative blog targeting WAHM (Work At Home Moms) and run by … you guessed it – Heather Masson. Information on what works for her in Internet Business written is very easy to read and comes from her personal experience. Reviewed by: Alex
A Copywriter’s Blues blog published by Alex Badalic, a veteran of advertising turned musician gives you great food for soul. I have found some nice old videos of Johnny Cash performance and he has a lot more of vintage videos to satisfy fans. Reviewed by: Alex
Did You Smell That blog authored by one of the veterans on network marketing filled with business ideas you can use. David Ledoux is well known and respected in online community and now he makes his experience available via blog posts. Reviewed by: Alex
Best Damn Blog run by Richard Wing is all about Internet Marketing. Your visit will be rewarded by honest reviews, freebies and information you need to succeed in this cut-throat business without sacrificing your integrity. Reviewed by: Alex
PlugIM Blog is a support portal for a new post voting system and a contender that has gained popularity among bloggers. Active community that lets you promote your blog and spread your message. Reviewed by: Alex
— copy and paste the Reciprocal Review Carousel and instructions above this line —
Feel free to join the carousel and please add reviews to the sites you like. Once you have provided a review about the site – let them know, and perhaps they will join the carousel. You will be surprised how fast your rank will grow and this time so will the Google Page Ranking. It is your chance to get viral traffic to your blog.