1. Rethink Your Value Proposition.
Keep adding value to what you deliver to your customers and try not to do it cheaply. Always think in terms of what you have to deliver to the client as opposed to what you have to do to get the sale. Products and services with the right value proposition can almost sell themselves.
2. Improve your Products/Services … To a Point.
Don’t keep improving your products/services until the improvements start to impact the way the products function and begin to change the original value proposition.
3. Price Competitively
Check up on your competitors and react to their pricing strategies. Neverhteless, don’t price your product to the point where it is no longer profitable. Remember, you need to be profitable to stay in business.
4. Your Goals Should Be Sizeable.
If your goals are too small, you won’t even be able to get off the ground because others with greater goals than you will surpass you quickly. Remember always think big.
5. Your Customer is Job One
Always focus on your customers’ needs not on where your competition is heading. If you are in business to please your customers and fill their needs, your business will be successful.