As the economy gets tougher and tougher the small business owner will find that the rewards of owning a business quickly disappear and are replaced with pressure points that take a heavy toll on physical and emotional health, and affect relationships with both employees and friends and family.

Here are 5 steps to prevent burnout:

1. Identify the Pressure Points
Which business tasks cause you the most discomfort? Backroom tasks like bookkeeping and filing or front room tasks like making sales calls or talking to difficult aspects of running your business regularly cause discomfort or even anxiety?

2. Parcel out some of these tasks
Find employees who can take the responsibility for these pressure points. If you hve no employees this might be a signal that you need to start hiring even part-time help.

3. Find time for yourself
Reconnect with those that are most important to you and spend some regular and quality time with them. Sometimes just a few minutes for relaxing by yourself can be very refreshing.

4. Seek out new challenges
Perhaps you are stressing out because you are bored and the pressure is no longer. Maybe it’s time to expand or find a new business venture. Plan carefully for any new ideas or opportunities.

5. Get advice and counsel
Use your network – lawyer, financial planner, insurance broker, business counselor, vendor or other entrepreneur.

Published On: December 21st, 2008 / Categories: Management /

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