As we head into 2009, paying attention to marketing and PR is very important to your survival. When it comes to promoting your products and services, you need a a plan of attack from the marketing and public relations angle. Here are 5 simple steps to keep business coming through the door in these slow times:

1. News Releases
Keep sending them out especially to let prospects and current customers know of new products or services

2. Customer success stories
How have customers benefited from your products or services. This highlights the features and functions of your products but also gives your customers a chance to support you.

3. Plan your promotions in advance
Design a marketing plan with a promotions section. Have a schedule of news releases and other promotions that you plan for in advance

4. Understand your competition
What are they doing from the promotion perspective and what is the impact on your business. Compare your products and services to theirs to see what you need to do to combat deficiencies or to take advantage of strengths. Also participate in expos and other events to keep tabs on your competition.

5. Budget for marketing
In your business plan, make sure that you have a line item that is dedicated to marketing.

Published On: December 30th, 2008 / Categories: Marketing /

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