In tough economic times, marketing becomes even more important to the survival of a small business. Here are 5 essential parts to an effective marketing strategy to keep your business moving forward even in the slowest of times.

1. Try to refrain from cutting your marketing expenses
No matter how difficult it gets, always leave some expenses for marketing programs.When you have to cut expenses from your budget, marketing should not be one of the first things to go.

2. Your annual marketing plan must be a part of your business plan
Map out what you need in advance and document it in a plan that is an integral part of your overall business strategy. Marketing is not meant to exist by itself, it needs to coexist with all of the other elements of your business.

3. Be able to measure the effectiveness of your marketing
Are your marketing tactics working and how effective are they? Are you getting the bang for the $buck you are spending?

4. Know your customers
Who are your current customers and how happy are they with your products and services? Where can you go to get new customers and why?

5. Have an effective PR strategy
Share all positive elements of your business with your customers, the news and trade media, and your employees. Find a way to get your customers to actively participate in your marketing strategy.

Published On: December 22nd, 2008 / Categories: Marketing /

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