The new year has started and you need to focus on getting the business running smoothly and producing as much satisfaction for your customers as well as wealth for you.

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Here are 5 basic tips to help you improve the way the business runs:

1. Was your most important idea for improving your business in 2010 a total flop? This is 2011 so get over it and move along. Look backwards only so that you can see the mistakes to avoid.

2. Keep listening to your customers. You can never know them well enough. They are just like you and their pain keeps changing as their needs and wants change.

3. Something new and unexpected happens this year? Don’t get thrown off course because it wasn’t a part of the business plan. Everything that happens in your business is part of the bigger overall plan of life. Accept it and try to keep it all in focus.

4. Does every customer you satisfy ever stop to say thank you and offer to help you? Stop waiting for a thank you and keep doing your job – satisfying your customers.

5. Keep innovating. Always have new ideas in front of you and your team. Don’t reinvent the wheel only try to make it better.

Paying attention to these 5 basic tips will help you stay on track in 2011.