Your customers are the best source of information about a new product or service, since they have already tried it and can give you a first hand report. They are also the source of word-of-mouth referrals which for you are particularly important since you may not have the resources or expertise for aggressive advertising campaigns.
This means that you must always treat your current customers right. The little things you do for them can make the difference between a rave review and a ho-hum endorsement. Here are 5 things you can do to earn your customers’ referrals:
1) Track your regular customers’ product/service needs, busy periods and buying history.
2) When you are unable to help a customer with a particular problem or need, always refer him/her to someone else who can.
3) Try to provide customers with volume discounts, or do small jobs for free or at reduced prices.
4) Regularly ask your customers to evaluate the quality of your products/services, your responsiveness and overall service.
5) Always respond promptly to customer phone calls and emails, even if you’re extremely busy.