In these tough financial times, small businesses need to try out new ways of cutting back on their expenses. One new trend is to follow certain feeds on Twitter. This very popular social media site contains a wealth of information on using money wisely. Here are 4 helpful feeds for you to follow:
USATODAYmoney — Keep track of the country’s financial picture and see how you’ll have to adjust to the changing times through USA Today Money’s tweets. Their items will let you learn how to be smart with your small business cash flow.
financialtimes — The Financial Times is a recognized authority in the business world, bringing readers financial news with global impact. Follow the publication’s official Twitter feed and learn how the world’s economy may affect your small business..
TheEconomist — The Economist publishes numerous articles on both macro- and micro-economic matters. This Twitter feed will help you stay informed and prepared for managing the financial side of your small business.
CNNMoney — The official Twitter feed of brings you updates on the latest business and finance items from both Fortune and Money magazines. With so much relevant information as your disposal, you’ll be able to make wise financial decisions for your business.