I saw this article in Forbes on Saturday March 3rd, 2012 and had to write about it.

The author, Natalie Peace is the owner of several Booster Juice businesses and she initiated a campaign called ‘22 Days of Kindness’ at these businesses. She paid all 50 of her staff members to do shifts where their only duty was to perform random acts of kindness: giving flowers to strangers, washing windows for neighbouring businesses, and generally going out of their way to brighten someone’s day.

According to the Author: Why 22 days? Because they say it takes 21 days to create a habit. The 22nd day is just icing on the cake.

I challenge all small business owners to try this strategy.  It will pay off handsomely as it did for her.

For the complete story please go here

Published On: March 4th, 2012 / Categories: Customer Relationship / Tags: , , /

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