If you are a customer, use this system to rate your favorite bar/restaurant. If you are the bar/restaurant owner, think like your customer and use this to rate yourself. Take 5 points for each answer that you get right. If you score more than 90 you are in great shape. Less than 60 and you are in trouble.

1. Provide a nice environment for your dining/drinking experience (ambience)

2. Take the time to understand your eating and drinking habits.

3. The menu is easy to read and understand.

4. Wait staff are there quickly to take your order or answer your questions.

5. Wait staff make you feel that they care about you.

6. The menu and the drinks are enjoyable to your sight and your palate.

7. They want your business and they show it.

8. Leave you satisfied and feeling good.

9. Try to personalize your meal or drink just for you.

10. Thank you for your business and follow up by email or phone.

11. Ask you for regular feedback on the menu and the drinks.

12. Solve your problems to your satisfaction.

13. The staff (front and back) appear as a cohesive team, there to help you.

14. Remind you often to visit again and provide incentives for you to do so.

15. Make you feel like a partner and not a sales transaction.

16. Request your opinion on the menu and drinks.

17. Try to be responsive and not keep you waiting especially for the check.

18. Ask you to provide a testimonial or refer your friends/acquaintances.

19. Are involved with the community

20. Understand that they are there to serve you.

If you are the owner, after you have rated your restaurant, you will want to read Five Areas You Can Improve To Get Your Restaurant Back in the Black.

Good Luck

Published On: October 5th, 2009 / Categories: Marketing / Tags: , /

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