So you want to be an entrepreneur. Well, here are fifteen items you need to be on top of. These won’t ensure your success by any means but they might prevent you from failing.

Customer Feedback at Company Meeting
Creative Commons License photo credit: Infusionsoft

1. Your customer is your biggest and most valuable asset. Know your customer.

2. Understand your product and how it solves your customers’ problems and makes their pain go way.

3. Understand what language your customer uses to describe your products and services.

4. The devil is truly in the details. Paying attention will help you avoid him.

5. A good business plan puts you in a win/win situation. Don’t compromise, plan thoroughly.

6. Stay focused while executing your plan, see what has changed and modify the plan accordingly.

7. Know your capabilities and your limitations . This keeps you from banging your head against the wall.

8. Be relaxed and resolute.

9. A mistake is just a learning opportunity. So is failure … learn from it and move on.

10. To hell with FEAR (False Expectations Appearing Real). Just understand and manage the expectations.

11. You always have a choice so don’t get in a rut

12. If your guns aren’t worth sticking to, get new ones.

13. You never get a second chance to make a first impression. Perception is your reality

14. Everything is negotiable, even if you don’t think so.

15. It takes 3 tickies to make an attaboy, 50 attaboys to fill the page and one Oh shit to erase it all

Published On: August 16th, 2010 / Categories: Management / Tags: , , /

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