It’s a new year and you are looking to fulfill that long held dream of yours, starting up your own business. Here are the top thirteen small business opportunities you should look at jump-starting in 2013. All of these could be up and running in a short amount of time.


1. Health Tourism Services
2. Wellness Clubs
3. Zumba Studios
4. Child Care Services
5. Martial Arts Studios
6. Elder Care Services
7. Yarn & Knitting Store
8. Pet Salon Services
9. Mobile Applications Development
10. Yoga Services
11. Vintage Clothing Stores
12. Food Cart Vending
13. Ethnic Hair Care

Many of these businesses can be started with minimal investment and will generate a profit in a minimal amount of time. Most can also be run out of a home office. If you are planning to start a business here are Ten Points to Ponder Before Starting a Small Business.

Published On: January 2nd, 2013 / Categories: Uncategorized / Tags: , , /

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