Many web designers are making great designs and building great looking pages that are not producing the necessary results. The reason: there is much more to a well performing web site than the look and feel of the site and the different pages. Ask your web designer the following questions and get an answer and then email them to us and we’ll take a quick look and tell you, free of charge, whether they are doing right by you.

If we get too much traffic on this, we will just give the answers in a future post.

1. What will you use for the title of the Home Page and why?

2. How will you word the description of the Home Page or do we care?

3. Will you use different titles and descriptions for the different pages?

4. Are keywords important and will you use them?

5. Should we use flash and video on the pages?

6. Should we involve our customers?

7. What is page rank and how do we get good PR?

8. What are search engines and do we care about them?

9. Do we need to sit with with an SEO expert and why?

10. Should we pay to get listed in directories and which ones?

Published On: February 1st, 2008 / Categories: Internet / Tags: , , , /

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