So you want to be the Top Gun in your organization.  Well here are the 10 C’s you must consider in order to be successful.

danger zone

1. Curiosity to seek and explore new ideas.

2. Courage to confront fear and uncertainty, to face the physical hardship the business may be subjected to and the moral courage in the face of shame and scandal. Also the courage to be curious.

3. Creativity or the mental ability to generate new ideas and concepts or new associations between existing ideas or concepts for the business.

4. Compassion because the business is there to benefit others and the CEO needs to be continually reminded of that. The CEO needs to feel compassion for clients and for employees.

5. Consistency to hold together and retain the shape of the organization in spite of all of the changes that keep taking place.

6. Conviction and an unshakable belief in the vision and the mission of the company.

7. Commitment to the company and its goals. The CEO must bind him/herself both intellectually and emotionally to the customers and the employee team.

8. Challenge or the ability to engage the competition and the changing environment.

9. Credibility so that both customers and employees believe that he/she is there for their benefit.

10. Customers the reason why the business is there in the first place.

Published On: February 16th, 2012 / Categories: Leadership / Tags: , , , /

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